Citicorp: New York City
The floral, florid, flush of the colossal squid was lost from its native habitat: The giant scurried within the Pacific Equatorial undercurrent: Her giant arms pulsed like flags thrusting through an entire Pacific Ocean: Atop the the capping waves the HMS Beagle with Darwin and Darwinian disciples paced the stripped bare naked boat towards a reckoning with history:
The NASA Space Voyager 1 torched the sky: The galaxies not yet seen awaited: Variances of warp speeds tickled and touched the imaginations of millions: Disciples of any and every star, awaited:
My idea of man and the universe’s evolution were on a collision course: The Beagle and the Voyager were both naked: They hosted our imaginations: We just might hear thrusts of oceanic energies and jet propulsions: We would anxiously anticipate the return of the unknowns not yet known.
Norman Foster: New York City
I remember utilizing my Ouija to commune with the British photographer Roger Fenton: His 1854 portrait of the Yorkshire Rievaulx Abbey has been a visual template for so many of my own architectural captures: To wander among the ghosts who make the light: To wander through the history: To wander naked and feel all of the eyes who lived before you: A twelfth century ruin is a skeletal remnant: My wearied eyes have long been tantalized by what remains: Memories of what became are also memories of what vanished: Time reminds me that I must dance: The ghosts hold the the truths I must capture.
While making photographs of inanimate objects the soul engages one thousand lifetimes: One structure hosts a nations’ history, region, politics, evolution in a single footprint:The music, dance, and ghosts that will be mine:
Imagine the first twelve seconds of West Side Story’s “Cha Cha”Leonard Bernstein I quietly enter the path to make a portrait of a thousand buildings: Just a mere few notes allow me to listen to see what I need to see. I advance for a more engaged capture: I would like to think that maybe Coldplay’s “Clocks” 4:16YouTube • ColdplayColdplay - Clocks (Official Video) steps in: I further my quest; I would like to think that Led Zeppelin’s “Stairway to Heaven fills the lighted voids: I find that I am quietly finessing my final moments, my final captures:I would like to think that Miles Davis’s “Will O’ the Wisp” 3:50YouTube • jazzhole13Miles Davis - Will O' the Wisp allows me to complete my journey: My real and imaginary capture in a single frame.
Daniel Libeskind: Manchester England: Imperial War Museum
My eyes see the history of cities: I am a member of the triple “A” club: Anthropology, Archaeology and Adventure: I explore, excavates and evaluate why I stand naked to the world every day: My mind is stripped bare: I begin gathering worlds in each frame: I am like a family of Wandering Albatross Parents: They may incubate their eggs for a few months: I incubate every capture every dream and every frame for months before I know when it can be released to others:
London, Bethnal Green Hotel and…
To capture a moment is an adventurers’ dream: To discover is the archaeologists’ dream: To connect cultural histories is an anthropologist’ dream:
The idea of visiting worlds not yet seen and revisiting worlds that you have never left is a nightmare of pleasures:
Madness stems from the day I die before I am supposed to die: is there madness attached to reason? Is there madness attached to the goals not met? My camera could live no other way:
Let the Mad Hatter Eat a Peach.